The other day I was walking down the street after having picked up my lunch when I saw something entirely repulsive. It was an honest to goodness meter-maid. She was somewhat mannish in appearance, but was nevertheless a meter-maid. Come to think of it, I think she was also rather hirsute. Be that as it may, that is not what caused my repulsion. As I observed her I could see that she had been marking tires and was in the process of placing a parking ticket on some unlucky soul's windshield. So what is the big deal? It was just another case of the government against the people.
GOTCHA! We want your money.
Half of the parking spaces on the street were empty, but the city was zealously enforcing its three hour parking limit. Heaven forbid that someone might spend too much time and money in the city's retail district. They might even want to go to lunch and shopping! They might even go to a show. Then the city (which will remain nameless) will be sure to get a few bucks that they can mismanage. After all, what does a private citizen need all that money for anyway? The point is that there was really no need for the city to enforce this draconian ordinance except to squeeze money out of a few people. It just belies the fact that somewhere some government functionary is out to get you. They hold power over you. If we the people are going to allow people in their function as government representatives to have power over us shouldn't it at least be for something important? But the fundamental premise here really is that the people are a resource of the government. In this specific case the city government wants money which means labor. I trade my labor (my time working) for money. Then the government demands their cut so that among other things it can be used to pay their people to further intrude on my life.
How do you feel knowing that you are a "resource." You are their source of money and, depending on your age, either you or your children are a military resource. The political class has few regrets consuming your hard-earned income as well as the lives of your children in the carnage of war. The political class grows fat in its gluttony- sucking the very marrow out of the common man. And their lust for power is insatiable and feed their pride and arrogance even unto the point when they forget their own kinship in mortality. Almost every elected official from city councilman to president of the USA sees himself as a conductor and all the rest of us as the members of the orchestra. Do I really want to be a resource to be directed by the hand of the state? Not really. And I sure as hell don't really want that for my children either. You also have to think about what this says about what kind of person really has as a goal in life to be the leader and tell all of the little people what to do. A megalomaniac? Maybe. A busybody? Almost certainly.
1 comment:
We get them in Suffern, too. Call them parking nazis. Little town, under 20,000 people, yet we have at least 3 or 4 full-time city employees dedicated to parking, two of them uniformed officers, walking around daily, marking tires.
In this part of the country, there is definitely a ubiquitous us-vs.-them mentality, but with a depressing twist - everybody is so cynical about the prospect of it ever changing that they just live with it. So the powers-that-be continue to overstep their boundaries, never asking themselves the question, "do we have the right..", but always taking advantage.
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